Why Choose IEAC?

IEAC is committed to the assessment, recognition and support of institutions and individuals pursuing excellence in education Our inspectors, all with substantial educational backgrounds, provide decades of combined expertise, to offer valuable insights to support comprehensive and meaningful evaluations, and to ensure a meticulous and high-quality accreditation process.


  • Global Expertise: Drawing from extensive experience in Asia Pacific, the Middle East, the Americas, and Europe, we provide a truly global perspective.
  • Experienced Team: Benefit from the wealth of knowledge possessed by our seasoned team with extensive education and accreditation experience.
  • Efficient Inspections: Our on-site inspections are completed in just 2 days, minimizing disruption to your institution.
  • Simple Application: The accreditation process commences with a simple, plain language application form.
  • Transparency: We place a high value on transparency, fostering open communication throughout the accreditation journey.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions: Enjoy top-tier accreditation services at a fraction of the cost compared to our competitors.
  • Flexibility and Agility: As a small, nimble team, we can adapt our approach to the unique needs of your institution.
  • Client-Centric Approach: We work hand-in-hand with our client institutions, ensuring close collaboration and a truly personalized service.
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