
This could be Onsite, or Online depending on YOUR NEEDS!

First Day

On the first day of the school inspection process, the inspectors typically commence their visit meeting with the Head of the Institution and the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). After this, they will focus on the quality of management, student support, the premises and facilities, health and safety, and the available resources for the courses being delivered. The inspectors will also view procedural documentation, attendance recording systems, examples of marked student work, and feedback forms. In addition, they will look at the institution’s statutory documentation, such as approvals from the local Ministry of Education and adherence to local regulatory bodies that oversee issues such as Health & Safety, Fire Regulations, and Employment.

The key focus of educational institution inspection involves:

  • Procedural documentation (quality manual, staff/student handbooks)
  • Attendance monitoring systems
  • Sample student feedback forms
  • Marked student assignments
  • Performance monitoring systems
  • Statutory documentation
  • Meetings with management and the Head of Institution

Second Day

This stage of the Educational Accreditation Process revolves around reviewing collected evidence and assessing the institution's adherence to IEAC Accreditation Standards in Education. The inspector(s) will conduct a detailed audit of systems, observe teaching sessions, and engage in meetings with staff and students to gather their perspectives. The inspection format will be tailored to the institution's size, location, and type, aligning with their usual operation and timetable. The visit concludes with a final meeting with the Institution Head to provide informal feedback; however, the inspector(s) cannot officially declare the inspection outcome.

Inspection Activities:

  • Meetings with the Head of Institution, CEO, and owners/Chair of Governors (if applicable)
  • Introductory meeting with all staff (if possible)
  • Tour of premises
  • Survey of library/resource areas
  • Assessment of research facilities and outputs
  • Evaluation of IT provision
  • Examination of laboratory and audio-visual equipment
  • Visit to refreshment areas
  • Meeting with a representative group of staff (without senior managers)
  • Observation of teaching, training, and work placement sessions
  • Meeting with representative group(s) of students (without staff present)
  • Final meeting with the Institution Head to provide an informal report of findings

Flow Chart showing the process from Initial Inquiry to Accreditation

Complete Online Application Form

After submitting your enquiry, you will be given log-in ID and a Password

Evaluation of Application

After completing the Application Form online your IEAC Customer Service Manager (CSM) will contact you directly.

Request for Documentation

The committee will review your application and determine what documentation is required.

On-site or Online Inspection

Your IEAC CSM will liaise with you to organise your inspection.

Decision for Accreditation

You will receive the final decision in about 2 weeks after the inspection
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