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Initial Enquiry for International IEAC Accreditation

IEAC Accreditation is an international quality standard for schools, colleges, universities and online learning providers. In order to advise you of the best use of our services please complete the information below

You will be under no obligation to employ our services by returning the completed form; it is purely to help us to provide you with a tailor made proposal and financial quotation.

General information

Full postal address of educational establishment including postal/zip code and country

Full postal address for invoicing if different from above (include postal/zip code and country)

Head of institution

Information about students

Indicate the numbers of students who attended the educational establishment during the previous academic year:

Full-time (according to local regulations)

Part-time (according to local regulations)

Indicate the numbers of students attending the educational establishment this academic year:

Full-time (according to local regulations)

Part-time (according to local regulations)

Information about courses/programs

Additional information